A jam packed third year (2014-15) was a mix of going back to the roots of the orgaNization and refreshing the look and stylization. I worked a lot with reds and blacks, intermixed with splashes of colour to emphasize or exaggerate. I learned a lot and wait was a huge experience in terms of design. With lots of work over the year, here is but a snap shot into BrockTV, year 3.
Let me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy the gallery!
At the end of the day (or year I should say) it was an amazing ride, and allowed me to explore some new directions and figure some more of my strengths and weaknesses. In addition, I also worked on some video editing and brushed up on some old skills. I'm very excited to see what next year has in store!
Hope you enjoyed this gallery, check out the other years below.